Traveling Lives: Promotions Assistant Tianna Gratta

by Brianne Miers
Tianna Gratta profile photo

Tianna Gratta admits that her traveling life got off to a “slow start,” but she has more than made up for lost time, squeezing in at least four big trips each year while working a full-time job in radio and blogging at The Passport Chronicles. She’s actually hitting the road again on Tuesday – this time to Thailand for TBEX Asia, the world’s largest gathering of travel bloggers and travel industry professionals.

NAME: Tianna Gratta


OCCUPATION: Promotions Assistant/Digital Fulfillment

How have you made your life a “traveling life” and why?

I made a promise to myself to travel every 6-8 weeks this year and so far I have been making that happen. I travel because I never feel more alive then when I am on the road and anything is possible.

Why is travel important to you?

It is a life of discovery. Everything is always changing, and I’m always learning new things. I believe travel changes you and make you a more understanding and appreciative person.

What are some of your first travel memories?/How did you first get the travel bug?

The first time I went away it was to Italy for three weeks when I was 17. I had complete homesickness. However after I returned all I wanted was to be away again. Since then there’s been no looking back!

What is your most significant travel memory and why?

When I was in India, the very first day we visited a Sikh temple. We sat among the worshipers and cooked with them in their communal kitchen. The women were fascinated by my blonde hair and clothes. I understood why people would travel to India on a spiritual quest. I felt it while I was there.

Tianna Gratta

What are some misconceptions friends & family have about your travels?

People always think I must spend tons of money to travel, when in fact I often don’t spend much at all.

What advice do you have for others who want to incorporate more travel into their lives?

Prioritize. If you want to travel then make it happen. Decide what you need/want to spend money on and make travel work for you. If you really want to do it, anyone can make it happen.

Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

I went to school for journalism – I wanted to be a world crisis journalist. Part of the reason I wanted to start traveling was to see these places I was reading about. Seeing these places first hand, hearing peoples stories, has changed me in ways I can’t even explain. It is something I cannot see myself living without.

Where are you headed next?

Thailand – heading there for TBEX and then traveling around for a bit

Tianna Gratta profile

Connect with Tianna Gratta: FacebookInstagram

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