All good things must come to an end, and July marked the end of nearly three months of non-stop travel (Read what I was up to in April, May and June).
I spent the first few days of July in Denver, Colorado, for a wedding, then after a visit with my family in New Jersey, my dad and I made our seventh annual trip together to the Green River Festival, which is held in the small town of Greenfield, Massachusetts in the Pioneer Valley. As always, we had a good time eating, drinking and grooving together. We took our time driving back to Boston, stopping in historic Deerfield and the college town of Amherst for some sightseeing.
After dropping my dad off at the airport, I breathed a deep sigh of relief – not because I was excited to get rid of him (I swear!) – but because I could stay “home” for a while. Although I still had to make the drive back my parents’ house in New Jersey – I’m staying with friends in Boston while my place is rented out – I didn’t have to juggle flight, hotel, transportation, and tour logistics along with trying to do my day job.

While in Denver I was able to catch up with fellow travel blogger Sherry Ott of Ott’s World during a co-working session at Black Eye Coffee.
While the feeling that I have at the end of short-term vacations is usually one of dread, I’ve discovered that I actually look forward to coming home after longer trips. I enjoy being able to do mundane daily tasks like walk my dog, make my favorite meals for dinner, and get my clothes and my body cleaner than is possible while on the road.
As I mentioned in my very first post on this blog, I don’t think I’ll ever be a full-time traveler. Everyone is always surprised to hear me say this, since quitting your job and buying a one-way ticket to somewhere exotic is considered to be the “holy grail” for many travelers, especially travel bloggers. However, one thing I’ve learned is that I like the comfort of a routine and the security of a “home base,” even though the thought of not having any responsibilities – mainly, a mortgage – is quite appealing.

The last time I was in historic Deerfield, Massachusetts, it was bitterly cold, so I much preferred this summertime visit. It’s a fascinating place – the town still looks much like it did during the 18th century, with 12 perfectly preserved museum homes.
I’ve always been interested in the possibility of moving overseas; however, my aging dog, Lucy, is the main thing that has kept me rooted in the U.S. for the past 12 years (I’m fortunate, though, that my parents take excellent care of her when I travel!) Being based here also allows me to maintain closer ties to friends and family, especially now that I’m an “auntie,” since it’s a quicker trip to my hometown for holidays and special occasions. This month I got to hang out with my aunts, uncles and cousins on July 4, take my nephew to the zoo, and spend precious time with my grandparents – my grandfather is 89, and my grandmother is 90 – and those memories are priceless to me.
But I’m sure before long, though, I’ll get restless and be ready to go again! Which reminds me, I need to get started on making my fall travel plans.

Most trips with my dad involve stopping at a cemetery. I tagged along while he visited West Cemetery in Amherst, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover poet Emily Dickinson’s gravestone.
What’s Next?
I’ll be spending most of August working in Boston, then the first few days of September I’ll be making my first trip to Lake Placid, New York, for a stay at Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort. It’s a dog-friendly resort (!), so I’ll be taking Lucy to celebrate her 12th birthday. With all of my travels, we haven’t been spending much quality time together, so I can’t wait!
1 comment
Nice post. I too would love to travel much more than I do, but I also really need a place to call home. Something about your own bed, shower, and favorite chair that you just can’t get anywhere but home.